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Saturday, March 5, 2016

Get On The Bus

To me Get on The Bus isn't the movie.  It's a prison program.  A few years ago, I met the person who started the program, Sister Suzanne Jabro, CSJ., at a prison ministry program at Boston College.  Sister works in California. Their prisons are isolated with no public transportation.  So families often don't get to visit their incarcerated loved ones.

One Mother's Day, Sister Suzanne decided to do something about the situation.  She got a bus to bring the inmate's children to visit their mothers.  It was such a wonderful experience, that the idea caught on.

Today, the "Get on the Bus" program gives free transportation for children and their caregivers to visit their parents' prison.  The children get travel bags and the caregivers get comfort bags.  Photos are taken of the day.  Meals with parents and children are provided.  The visit is for four hours.  Each child receives a teddy bear, with a personal letter from their parent.

Post-event counseling is given.

Last week, at the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, I was blessed to take this picture of the Get On The Bus People.  May God bless them and those they serve.

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