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Sunday, March 13, 2016

Beatific Vision

Theatrical Release Poster

There's a new movie out, The Young Messiah.  The discussion surrounding the movie is not whether or not it's a good story, well acted, enjoyable, etc.  The discussion is about whether or not the movie is theologically correct.  Really?  Yes, it seems that the viewer gets the impression that Jesus didn't know He was the Messiah.  He grew into the knowledge.  That's heretical, according to some.  I didn't understand so I entered into discussion with a theologian.

Faith Flaherty Why would He have to merit it? (Beatific Vision) We didn't merit understanding various concepts, until we were old enough to understand and perhaps handle the knowledge; couldn't Jesus likewise grow into more and more understanding?
LikeReply21 hrs
Robert Curtis According to John, Jesus was with us in the beginning. Therefore, he would have had that knowledge since the beginning.
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Brian Mullady That is as the person of the word not it is human nature which began in the womb of Mary which is what we are talking about and the Word became flesh
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Faith Flaherty Like we were American from the beginning but grew into understanding what that meant and entailed as we grew?
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Robert Curtis Would we separate Jesus's essence from his nature?
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Faith Flaherty Do we separate being American from our nature? It is what we are. Is it like Jesus being both human and divine?
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Brian Mullady For heaven sake's heaven is our final goal which is the vision of God or which grace is given to us it is not like mathematics and Jesus as the Messiah knows that we need redemption in order to merit heaven there are two completely different truths
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Robert Curtis I suppose the development of His human nature limited access to His understanding of His divine nature.
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Brian Mullady Of course we separate American from our nature because we can become English by citizenship American as a matter of citizenship not a matter of nature you really need to study these concepts a little more I'm sorry
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Faith Flaherty I'm not arguing. I'm trying to understand. I understand Robert Curtis' "...the development of His human nature limited His understanding..." Is that a correct statement, Father?
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Robert Curtis I wait in trepidation for the outcome! smile emoticon
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Faith Flaherty I'm afraid Father Mullady is going to quote Trump. "You're both stupid!"
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Brian Mullady No no one is stupid. Trump is wrong. But more study is needed for some of these issues.
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Faith Flaherty That's for sure. I will just have to accept that the understanding is beyond me.
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Brian Mullady No his human nature did develop in learning Hebrew and other things but not in his knowledge of God or his understanding of his mission.
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Brian Mullady Christ assumes things which will contribute to his mission. he also had ordinary human knowledge like we do which developed but not of those particular things I mentioned only of things like carpentry and cooking and math and other human sciences which he was not sent to reveal. Remember Jesus is the prime revealer and the prime revelation according to Vatican Two
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Robert Curtis We few, we poor few Dominicans, ever searching for the truth. Besides, what a treat for us to have a real-time conversation with a world-class theologian (sorry about the flattery but it is true).
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Brian Mullady Maybe my last comment will help you faith. If anyone is interested I have two whole series of CDs on Christ available from the The Rosary Center in Portland Oregon.
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Faith Flaherty Mmmm. I guess the Prime Revealer isn't choosing me to reveal wisdom and understanding. May I have a link, or the name of the CD's?
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Faith Flaherty Robert Curtis did I just fall for a sales pitch?
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Brian Mullady One is A Complete Study of Christ the other is Jesus Christ the Savior, I think but I do not have the titles memorized.
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Brian Mullady Just type in The Rosary Center in your search engine and there is a catalogue there.
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Brian Mullady Sales pitches about theology are fair
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Robert Curtis Not from fr. Brian, he's trying to drag you to the Truth! fr. Brian, did you ever read my review of your last book?
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Brian Mullady what was that. Sorry but I am in the middle of grading 50 papers and preaching 6 homilies for a parish mission of 12,000 families. No time.
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Faith Flaherty $ 70 !!!!!!!!!!!
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Brian Mullady Oh sorry, no I did not. Thought this issue deserved a quick reaction though.
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Faith Flaherty There are two The Nature and Person of Christ $40.00
The Natures and Person of Christ: DVD and this one is starred as NEW are these a pros pro to our discussion and which one?

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Brian Mullady Sorry Robert yes I did see that review and I thank you very much God bless
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Brian Mullady The new one is a very developed semester course the other one is of course given to a parish and is not as developed
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Ed Fride Brian Mullady they're only fair if it is solid orthodox theology.... Like something Scholastic, for example. smile emoticon
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Brian Mullady $40 is the parish depends n how much you want to know about Christ
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Faith Flaherty

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Marco Kraft Thank you, Father! (Grace)
LikeReply121 hrs
William Eshelman I had the singular good fortune to study under Fr. William Most. We became friends, and I even wrote and later probated his Last Will in Prince William County Virginia.
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William Eshelman Fr Most wrote an exhaustive treatment on this matter, "The Consciousness of Christ" last published by Christendom College in Front Royal Virginia, but available here:
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Donald A. Guglielmi ...But the knowledge and love of our Divine Redeemer, of which we were the object from the first moment of His Incarnation, exceed all the human intellect can hope to grasp. For hardly was He conceived in the womb of the Mother of God, when He began to...See More
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Ed Fride One of the consequences of the Incarnation was NOT that the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity suddenly acquired amnesia!
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Toni Sciacchitano Feeback Thank you, Fr. Mullady! I just saw a promo for this movie. I will steer clear of it now.
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Brian Caulfield I agree, Father. I think many people forget or never were told that Jesus is a divine Second Person of the Trinity with a human nature - not a human person with a divine nature. As such, the eternal Divine Person is always the subject of knowledge and action of the one Person of Jesus.

My conclusion is God is God, from the beginning.  I don't understand why the debate.  Does it matter?  If he's God then He would know everything, wouldn't He?  I think I will take the problem to God.  I will pray and study and see what there is to see. I did purchase the recommended  CD's.   May God give me wisdom and understanding.

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