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Monday, November 23, 2015

Doing What's Right Isn't Easy

In the King Arthur environmental crusade novel, Warrior Kids: A Tale of New Camelot by Michael J. Bowler , Lance and his cohorts work to change the world.  This is a modern story about today.  It is aimed for kids in the middle grades and thankfully has no embarrassing sexual situations or bad language.  I enjoyed reading it and wish I had a child that age to discuss it.  The culture contributes to today’s environmental mess.  Lance and the knights traverse the glove talking to governmental agencies and authorities.  The problem is that big polluting corporations want the kids out of the way.  A few attempts on Lance’s life are made.  But with the help of Excalibur, the mythical sword, Lance managers to escape.  I think it’s a nice gimmick that the author, Michael J. Bowler has some twelve year-olds as major characters: Billy, Enya, Itzamna, and Chris, yet Lance is eighteen.  Something for every teen and pre-teen. 
Lance has most of the kids in the U.S.A. and maybe the world, on his side.  He’s a celebrity, but fortunately, keeps his head on straight.  Lance addresses Congress and World Leaders as he is threatened and attacked.  He nearly loses his life a few times, and does lose his magical sword, Excalibur.  Excalibur, really is magical, as the reader will discover.  In fact, the story is magically riveting.  Warrior Kids is part of the Children of the Knight series, which you will want to, read all of, just to keep in the loop, but the book stands alone. 
Since the author is a teacher, himself, he made sure Warrior Knights fulfilled all the needs of a reading teacher.  

First, the book is free for educators:
THE eBOOK OF WARRIOR KIDS IS FREE FOR EDUCATORS. It is available in the following formats: PDF, Kindle (mobi), and ePub (Nook and iBooks). In addition, teachers can purchase the paperbacks at the per unit cost of $3.08 (plus shipping and applicable tax.) Educators can contact the author via the Warrior Kids Facebook Group ( or directly by email – For paperback orders, the author will generate an invoice from Createspace (the physical publisher of the book) and payment can be made through PayPal. There is no profit motive and he will earn nothing off the paperbacks sold to teachers. Per unit cost and shipping rates are exactly as Createspace charges him – no markup. As an educator, he has always sought supplemental reading material that would engage his students on important issues. Having found very little, he decided to write one and make it readily available.

I was surprised to see the extensive list of “Extension Activities,” suggested by the Earth Warriors, in the back of the

book.  After that, was a list of references to read for more information.  Even more goodies were suggested.  There

is a list of 50 things to do to help the environment.  I even printed it out, for myself and my family.  The information

on water in plastic bottles was new to me, so I was moved to research the subject.  So even though the book is

geared to Middle School children, I learn a thing or two, besides enjoying a very good story.

Formats: ebook, paperback
Middle Grade
October 6, 2015

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Tribute Books said...

Faith, thanks for the review! :)

Michael J. Bowler said...

Thanks, Faith, for having faith in Lance and his kids. Appreciate it. :)

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