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Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Betrayal and Justice

How easily we can be seduced!  We seduce ourselves when we're offered the jewels that we desire. I'm thinking of Otto in Once We Were Brothers  by Ronald H. Balson. He was just like his foster family in philosophy.  He thought like them.  He promised to be faithful to them.  But he was tempted.  Doesn't that happen in marriages, too?  A spouse vows to be faithful forever, yet he's tempted and chooses another.

These were my thoughts after reading Once We Were Brothers by Ronald H. Balson.  The setting is in wartime Poland.  Otto found himself in a Jewish family, who loved and raised him.  And he was grateful.  Even when his birth mother came to claim him, he pushed her away because he chose to stay with the people who brought him up. But Otto gradually got sucked up in being a German officer with all the accolades that made him important.

But the story is told between lawyer and client.  The client is Ben Solomon who once was Otto's best friend and "brother."  The author Ronald H. Balson cleverly interweaves the attorney's life into Ben's.  Virtue, truth, and justice prevail, just as it was meant to, at least this time.  The plot is getting there.  It's a powerfully compelling story.  There's romance, politics, intrigue, and violence.  Sounds like a good movie!  I think you'll agree.

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