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Sunday, November 22, 2015

Preparation for Mass

My best prayer time is usually in the morning.  I sit myself down with my prayer book and a cup of coffee.  But sometimes, like today, God wants to talk to me, when He wants to talk.   Tonight, Sunday, I went to a 5:00 PM Mass.  I parked my car at my daughter's house and walked to church.  I was doing this because I didn't exercise today and I was a little bit early for Mass.

I walked up the hill with a brisk pace because there's no sidewalk and it was dusk.  I was worried that motorists would find it hard to see me.  Once at the top, I was out of breath and stopped for a bit.

The Jesus prayer popped into my head.  "Lord Jesus Christ pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death."  I took this thought as a mantra as I walked the rest of the way.  Much to my surprise, my heart beat in rhythm to my steps.  I prayed out loud as well as in my mind and now my heart: "Lord Jesus Christ pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death..."  Everything was in perfect sync.

It occurred to me that perfection in this manner was, indeed, contemplation of God.  I think God was pleased.  I felt happy, and could feel myself smiling as I was now chanting and walking.  All too soon, I was walking   running up the church steps.  I sat in the back and pulled out my rosary.  I had 20 minutes to pray before Mass and I was more than ready.

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