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Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Creed Through Grace

This weekend I'm doing a faith formation lesson on the Creed.  Today, in the Office of Readings for Thursday in the Thirty-First Week in Ordinary Time, I was blessed by coming upon a catechetical instruction by Saint Cyril of Jerusalem, on the Creed.  Coincidence?  Shall we call it Godincidence?

So for the present be content to listen to the simple words of the creed and to memorize them; at some suitable time you can find the proof of each article in the Scriptures.  This summary of the faith was not composed at man's whim;...  That is why, my brothers, you must consider and preserve the traditions you are now receiving.  Inscribe them across your heart.

How many times have I not understood an article of faith, then later on find something in the Bible that helped me understand.  Sometimes, a speaker will enlighten me with further understanding.  Even praying has helped me discern, especially faith itself.  How else do you explain that at one time I didn't believe in transubstantiation, then I did believe?  What happened?  How come?  I really don't know.  All I can say is I didn't believe at one time, but now I do.  I believe with my whole heart.  I believe everything the Creed says.

That's called by the grace of God.

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