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Sunday, November 16, 2014

Sunday Snippets -- A Catholic Carnival

Today, I'm asking for prayers for myself.  I'm scheduled for surgery tomorrow.  (Women's issues)  I plan on staying overnight, so I won't be posting tomorrow, Monday.  Instead, why don't you click on over to the blog This And That And The Other Thing blog, to see what my blogger friends have written, this past week.
This is what I did this week:

Monday  --  Pray for Sin

Tuesday --  Sister Miriam's poem

Wednesday -- Correctional Recovery Advocacy

Thursday  --  A catechumenate's first Mass

Friday  --  Did you know that fish bilocate?

Saturday --  The pessimist and the optimist 

Don't forget to pray for me and the surgeon.  If all goes well, I'll be back in a couple of days if it is God's will.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm keeping you in my prayers for successful and safe surgery, Faith.
God bless you.

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