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Friday, November 21, 2014

LOL Over My LOH Story

No, LOH is not an internet acronym. It's not Net Lingo.  It used as the abbreviation for Liturgy of the Hours.  What's that?  It's a book of prayers to be prayed at certain hours of the day.  Before the ecumenical council of Vatican II, it was only read by priests.  Nowadays, anybody can pray it.  Next to the Mass, it is the most effective prayer the church has.  So much so, it is also called the Divine Office.

Just think, if you pray the readings at the prescribed times, you are praying with the world, because they are praying too.  Since the time zones change around the world, then all day and all night, people are praying to God.  Awesome!

I also figure, if you pray it whenever you can, you still are praying with others all around the world.  For example, today I was too busy.  (I'm having medical issues.)  So tonight, now that everything has calmed down, I'm going to take my LOH, and end the day praying all the readings and prayers that I should have prayed, during the day.

This picture is my LOH.  It's my personal prayer book, so I write in it and highlight what I want.  The yellow highlights are references to what will happen.  The pink highlights are imperative statements.  The blue are narrative.

There are also two different kinds of LOH.  There's a one volume that is perfectly fine.  Then there's a four volume LOH that includes extra readings.  I have a funny story about that.

I bought my first LOH in a second-hand store.  On the inside cover was the name of a priest.  I thought that the priest must have died and somehow his prayer book ended up in this thrift store.  I would pray for that priest, from time to time, whenever I used his prayer book.

One day, I went to a Thanksgiving Mass and it was announced that the Mass would be celebrated by Father ________--the priest whose book I was using!  I went up to him, after Mass, and told him.  I thought he was dead, and I was praying for his soul for a couple of years.  He said thank you, but he obviously was alive and well.  He had donated his LOH to the store because he had bought the four-volume LOH.

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