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Saturday, November 22, 2014

Sunday Snippets -- A Catholic Carnival

This week has been terrible.  I've been waiting for Sunday Snippets -- A Catholic Carnival, to vent.

Monday --  I didn't post because I was in the hospital having surgery.  You don't want to know (women's stuff)

Tuesday -- I came home hurting.

Wednesday -- What is that statue doing?

Thursday -- Advertising

Friday -- I did a lot of praying today.  My doctor says I'm not healing, as I should.  I have another appointment Monday.

Saturday -- It's a crock!

I need prayers.  I am a bit better.  I can see the light, but I want to get to it now!  Meanwhile, I entertain myself surfing the net.  Why don't you surf on over to the blog, This That And The Other Thing, where I'll be posting, and read how my fellow bloggers' weeks went.


Carol@simple_catholic said...

Praying for you. I hope you feel better soon. God bless.

kkollwitz said...

Uh...ehhh...good luck with ya women's stuff!

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