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Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival

Today's A Catholic Carnival day, where I give you some snippets of my week's postings.  Some of my fellow Catholic bloggers do this every Sunday, thanks to R'Ann's This And That And The Other Thing.

I usually begin by answering a question, but I'm turning the tables.  I want to ask, Who is your favorite Catholic Author?  Do you wear a mantilla to church?  Who's your favorite saint?  My last question is, are you active in your parish?

There.  That should keep you busy.  I've been busy this week with:

Monday -- The easiest prayer EVA!

Tuesday -- There's a novena for life to start Jan. 18, to coincide with the March for Life and                                Eleanore's case.  Read below in Friday.  And, the Novena will be posted daily.

Wednesday -- A little epiphany for me.

Thursday -- Book review of The Rainy Day Killer by Michael J. McCann.

Friday -- Eleanore causing trouble in McCullen v. Coakley.  Pray that Eleanore wins, the case is being                    argued before the Supreme Court, Jan. 15.

Saturday --  Poignant.  I can't even tell people about this experience without getting choked up.

Enough.  Today I'm off to my Lay Dominican Study Group.  We are reading and discussing, the intro to Evangelii Gaudium.  I'm sure I'll have stuff to tell you about that.

Who Watches the Watchers

 Another free ebook from the Gutenberg project and another Joseph Muller mystery is my subject.  The Case of the Pool of Blood in the Pastor...