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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Lost in Space

Back from space.  I couldn't get on my blog.  The icon to post wasn't anywhere to be found.  I couldn't get to my dashboard.  I just couldn't access anything.  I thought my blogging days on The One True Faith were gone forever.  But this morning I remember that I have another blog, on google--the one I set up for my parish three year faith sharing Renew program.  So I went to St. Mary's Arise and got into its dashboard, and there were the two blogs.

I have no idea where the New Post Icon went on that new template.  But I went back to the plain old simple one.  Old faithful is back.

Blessing of the Houses

It is the custom that those chapters and individual people, who identify with the Sisters of Bethany, pray for each other.  We call this ...