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Saturday, October 15, 2011

No Catholics Need Apply

The USCCB Office of Migration and Refugee Services has been very effective in servicing the victims of human trafficking. This organization had the ability to move in quickly and help the victims of slavery. If an Immigration Enforcement Official found a vulnerable child, a call to MRS found a safe house, immediately. It didn't take mounds of paperwork, purchase orders, authorizations, etc., that governments require. The MRS moved quickly due to its well organized network.

Now, however, the USCCB Office of Migration and Refugee Services has received notification that it won't receive anymore grant money because the USCCB does not promote the government's agenda of sterilization and abortion. IOW, you want government money, then you have to support government programs.

For the past six years, the Federal Government and the USCCB worked well together in servicing the victims of human trafficking. But now, the American Civil Liberties Union brought suit against the Federal Government for not forcing the USCCB to comply with the government's agenda on contraception and abortion.

What happened to the conscience protection clause?

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