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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Statement of Interpretation

Estimated number of people in the world living...Image via Wikipedia
When a U.N. political declaration on AIDS/HIV passed unanimously last Friday, Jane Adolphe, speaking for Archbishop Francis Chullikatt said that the human person is better than the U.N. thinks he is.  The U.N. thinks that man acts on his "whims."  Jane Adolphe, an associate professor of law, said that man is more capable and has more dignity than the U.N. gives him credit for.  Abstinence is 100% effective.  Fidelity in marriage is 100% effective.  What other statistics do you need?

Today's culture is promiscuous.  And instead of working to change this irresponsible and dangerous behavior, the U.N. accepts it.  How low can we go?  Are human beings no better than dogs?

"Policies, programs and political statements are without meaning if we do not recognize the human dimension of this disease in the men, women and children who are living with and affected by HIV and AIDS," he said.
The archbishop promoted again "the only universally effective, safe and affordable means of halting the spread of the disease": abstinence, fidelity and the avoidance of irresponsible behaviors, as well as universal access to drugs that prevent the spread of HIV from mother-to-child.
And he decried those who ignore the positive results of abstinence- and fidelity-based programs in order to be "largely guided by ideology and the financial self interest which has grown as a result of the HIV disease."

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