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Friday, June 17, 2011

Good Bye Father Corapi

I understand.  If you can't do your work under certain conditions, you move on, like St. Paul.  Tonight, I read where Fr. Corapi  saw where the story was leading, and he changed his plans, his route, and has stopped before he was thrown under the bus.

You know the expression, "you can't fight city hall."  Well, you can; it's the church you can't fight, because you can't win.  The way the process works now, it's stacked against accused priests.  A priest is assumed guilty immediately, until proven otherwise.  Crazy?  You bet!

But that's the way it is.  So the priest can't work while his case is being investigated.  Meanwhile, it may never come to a conclusion.  The poor priest is left hanging...hanging....hanging.......

No use batting your head against the wall.  It is what it is.

So to continue doing God's work, Fr. Corapi will not be preaching as a priest, anymore.  His ministry will be different, but continue through writing and other media.  He will not play a losing game where the deck is stacked.  He will not bad mouth the church.  He will simply move on.

Watch for his book, The Black Sheep Dog
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