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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Call for Boston Bishops to Pray

The storm in Massachusetts last night was wicked awesome.  My town didn't have any tornadoes, but we had everything else: hail, thunder, lightning, rain, wind.  It brought me to prayer.

Thank God for my iphone and texting.  My family and I kept tabs on each other and we're all OK.  Some friends, even Omega in New Jersey called to check and see that I was fine.  Deo Gratias!

Then this morning, I was reading where the Bishops of New Orleans called for Friday to be a Day of Prayer and fasting for protection from hurricanes and floods.  We in the Archdiocese of Boston, also get hurricanes and floods, blizzards, and now tornadoes.  I call for my bishops to pray as the good bishops of New Orleans are.  I ask that they dedicate a day of prayer and fasting for protection from our adverse weather conditions.

Let us Pray
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