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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

It's Official

It's announced in Zenit.  My hero, my favorite friar, priest, spiritual guru...Pere Marie Jean-Joseph Lataste, O.P. will be proclaimed "Blessed."

15 Advance Toward Beatification or Canonization
VATICAN CITY, JUNE 28, 2011 ( A Mexican nun who died just 30 years ago is among the newest group of canonization and beatification causes to advance with the approval of Benedict XVI.
At a meeting Monday with Cardinal Angelo Amato, prefect of the Congregation for Saints' Causes, the Pope approved the following decrees: ;
Miracles attributed to the intercession of:
-- Mariano Arciero, Italian diocesan priest (1707-1788).
-- Jean-Joseph (born Alcide Lataste), French priest of the Order of Friars Preachers and founder of the Sisters of the Third Order of St. Dominic of Betania (1832-1869).
-- María Inés Teresa del Santísimo Sacramento (born Manuela de Jesús Arias Espinosa), Mexican founder of the Poor Clare Missionary Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament and the Missionaries of Christ for the Universal Church (1904-1981).
-- Hildegard Burjan, German laywoman and founder of the Sisters of Social Charity (1883-1933).
The Pope recognized the martyrdom of:
-- Salvio Huix Miralpeix, bishop of Lleida, Spain, killed in hatred of the faith in 1936.
-- Karl Lampert, Austrian diocesan priest and pro-vicar of the apostolic administration of Innsbruck Feldkirch, killed in hatred of the faith in 1944.
-- Josefa Martínez Pérez of the Congregation of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, and 12 companions, killed in hatred of the faith in 1936.
The Holy Father recognized the heroic virtue of:
-- Giovanni Marinoni (born Francesco), Italian professed priest of the Order of Theatine Clerics Regular (1490-1562).
-- José María García Lahiguera, archbishop of Valencia, Spain, and founder of the Congregation of Oblate Sisters of Christ the Priest (1903-1989).
-- Matthew Kadalikattil, Indian diocesan priest and founder of the Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (1872-1935).
-- Raffaele Dimiccoli, Italian diocesan priest (1887-1956).
-- Sofia Czeska-Maciejowska, Polish founder of the Congregation of the Virgins of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (1584-1650).
-- Maria Giuseppina Benvenuti (born Zeinab Alif), Sudanese professed religious of the Order of St. Clare (1845/46-1926).
-- Laura Meozzi, Italian professed religious of the Institute of Daughters of Our Lady of Help (1873-1951).
-- Luigia (Gina) Tincani, Italian founder of the Union of St. Catherine of Siena of the Missionary Sisters of Schools (1889-1976).

For more information of Fr. Lataste, go to this site, with a biographical timeline.   

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