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Monday, February 14, 2011

Sint Maarten

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Well, it was like this.  I was having a really, really, bad week.  It started with my brother's death.  Then we had a blizzard; the governor called a state emergency.  I hurt my back shoveling.  A day latter, another snow storm.  Work was becoming v-e-r-y stressful.  I re-strained my back.

So hubby took me away. 

You see, this year is our 40th wedding anniversay.  (Yeah, we stuck it out.) :-p

But our anniversay is in July--but I needed it NOW! 

We've been in Sint Maarten for a week.     More postings on this vac/second honeymoon coming...

That's where I've been.  And that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

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