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Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Media on the Media

Fr. Frank Hoffman (Fr. Rocky)
I just listened to Father Rocky give a talk on the media.  He was talking about the influence the media has.  How it can sway people.  Sure, just look at how we mimic Hollywood.  Young people want to look and be like the glamorous celebrities that they think are so cool.  And you don't have to be young to be influenced.  I've heard it said, that if all things are equal, the tallest candidate will win.

Father Rocky is the executive director of Relevant Radio.   He places the utmost importance on radio.  He keeps saying that people listen to the radio all the time, especially when they're stuck in traffic.  I'm not so sure.  I know I don't.  I listen to audio books.  I've seen my kids listen to CDs or plug in their ipods.  Once in awhile, I'll put on the radio for the news or weather.  But I've never seen my kids do that.  In fact, the minute they hear a talking voice, they switch.

Next are billboards.  While people are stuck in traffic, they'll read billboards.  Again, I don't agree.  It's rare that I'm stuck in traffic.  I go out of my way to avoid traffic.  I'll ride the "T" or commuter rail.  I hate traffic and avoid it.  Although, while traveling, I admit I am attracted to billboards.

Guess what the poor people who can't afford to buy radio stations or billboard advertising, can do to evangelize.  We can use Facebook.  Yes, Facebook can evangelize.  I think the value of Facebook besides social connection is to alert people to events.  I've made FB friends with like minded people and enjoy the short discussions we've had.  In fact, at the March for Life, I bumped into my FB friend Michael Liccione, at Central Staion. A train station in Washington DC!!!!   Au Bon Pain!  How coincidental is that?  Never met him before--just saw his pix on FB.

But Father Rocky never mentioned blogs.  :-(

My list of media includes, newsletters, blogs, Facebook, and letters to editors in newspapers.  What else?

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