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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Forgive Us Our Failings

What do you do when the Mass is said for the wrong person?  Just wondering.

This morning at Mass, I was the Lector.  In the prayers for the faithful, I said that in this Mass we remember in a special way, Jane and John Doe.  Afterwards, when the Mass celebrant left his chair, he didn't go to the altar, he went where my announcements were on the ambo.

   "Oh no."  I thought.  "I must have messed up."

   Then during the Eucharistic prayer there's a part where the priest says "Forgive us our failings..."  I would have sworn that the priest looked at me when he said that.

   Afterwards, I checked what I read.  Whew!  I had read exactly what I was given.  But our priest also sticks a "post-it" note on the altar with the name of the person the Mass is being said for.  That was a different name.  But that's not my "failing."  I was correct in reading what I was told to read.

   Maybe all the names and Masses were messed up.  Just wondering how I'd feel if I went to Mass for my relative and they got the name wrong.

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