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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Sint Maarten Cure

This picture is a little misleading.  This  dock with a little hut is in the middle of the bay. It's not attached to the land.  Sint Maarten is known for it's beautiful diving opportunities and that's what this dock is for.  It's a bar.  Divers can dock there and go in for a drink.

We had a wonderful vacation.  I knew it was going to be good because we saw a rainbow through the window port in the airplane flying to Sint Maarten.

And I figured out what's been spraining my back.  It's low chairs.  The exertion of getting out of low chairs and beds puts a sprain on my back.  I didn't go swimming (I just walked the beach.) in the ocean because there was a bit of an undertow, and the exertion of hiking my body out of the water might re-injure my back.  The resort's lounge chairs killed me.  Laying on a beach blanket was out of the question.  The same is true for jet skiing and horse back riding.  I could stand and walk.

Actually the best seat for me (because it was high) was a bar stool.  

Did I tell you I acquired a taste for mango coolattas.
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