I use to have a spiritual director who wouldn't take any money from me. So I'd take him out to dinner once a month. That was good and some of my best spiritual direction.
Last year, I adopted Father Jojo Vattakeril, MCBS during the Year for Priests. He was from India and had been a priest since 2004. He is still in my prayers.
Now, the Serra Club of Boston, is promoting Adopting a Priest or a Seminarian. I'm glad to see this. A few years ago, my parish priest invited a few parishioners to go to a Serra meeting at Saint John's Seminary. It was a disaster. The building was locked up. Father was embarrassed. He didn't know what to do. We drove around and eventually he found someone who said he'd get someone to unlock a door for us. I think about two other parishes were there. We weren't many at all. It was like they weren't expecting us.
Father kept apologizing. But it wasn't his fault. He gave us a tour of the building. Eventually, an apologetic lady came and said that the priest in charge of vocations wasn't there. It was his mother's birthday. So she set up a video for us to watch.
What a specious excuse that was!!! Your mother has the same birth date, every year!!! Why didn't he change the date of our meeting?
While we watched the video, which was about Father Junipero Serra and the Serra Club, the nice lady made coffee. Then we went home. The video whetted my appetite to join the Serra Club, but there didn't seem to be one in Massachusetts. I think the contact address was in Attleboro but no one ever responded to my inquires. I even wrote to the National President of the Serra Club, who was a Lay Dominican, like myself, and he never answered.
OK. I can take a hint. God wasn't leading me in that direction.
That's why I'm happy to see the Serra Club in the Archdiocese of Boston. And I'm also happy to have the opportunity to adopt a priest from my diocese. You can too. Go to this link.
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