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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Second Try

Something Screwy happened to my posting on Oct. 7.  The wording run amuck over the entire page.  Anyway, whatever, WTF!  

Here it is:

Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary

Some consider me a pious, overly devotional, old bat.  Actually, I'm rather proud of those modifiers.  I'm proud because I've seen the others who also have those nomenclatures.  I consider that we old rosary fingering faithful, are the backbone of the Church.  We're the prayer warriors.  We're the intercessors for our families, parishes, diocese, country, and the Church.

We're prayer warriors and our weapons are our prayers.  Our most effective weapons is the Rosary.  The Rosary won the Battle of Lepanto.  Ever since St. Dominic spread the devotion, it has become the weapon of choice for us.  Pope Pius V asked everyone to pray the Rosary when the Turks attacked.  Pius V accredited Our Lady for the victory.

A century later the Rosary saved Vienna and Pope Innocent XI extended the feast of the Most Holy Name of Mary to the entire Church.  In 1716, Clement XI inscribed the feast on the calendar in gratitude for the victory won by Prince Eugene of Savoy at Peterwardein, on August 5, (Our Lady of the Snow).  This victory was followed by the siege of Corfu and Belgrade.  Do you get the point, yet?

St Dominic formalised the current Dominican Rosary prior to the Battle of Muret in 1213 (that battle was again won on 12 September - the day after the mysterious 9/11) when he prayed for Count Simon de Montfort and his 700 knights as they sallied forth against a huge army of 50,000 Albigensians.
Thus the day was won and the tiny Catholic army triumphed over the huge heretic army. Again, another great victory obtained by the all-powerful Rosary of our Lady.

Small wonder, then, that our Lady has so often appeared and asked her children to pray theHoly Rosary for victory and peace, as she did to St Bernarde of Lourdes (St Bernadette) and later to the little shepherds at Fatima in 1917 during the Great War.

I mentioned all this to impress you.  I could have listed: personal conversions, regaining health, obtaining favors, selling homes, buying cars, and numerous other personal objectives that I credit to Our Lady of the Rosary.  But those don't impress anybody but myself.    Hence the emphasis on the military victories.

But you get the idea.

Thanks to us pious, overly devotional, old bats praying the Rosary, our world has survived. We old prayer warriors most certainly will die, but our Rosaries won't.  These beads that we carry in our purses and pockets, are fingered continually.  The Aves we finger are prayed continually around the world 24/7, by other old faithful fools.  We will carry the day, just as we did on all those military victories.  

Let us give thanks to the intercession of Our Lady, on this her feast day.

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