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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Preaching =Whooping

Being Roman Catholic, worship to me means participating in the Mass.  That's the best, the epitome, the greatest, nonpareil, most highest, (Got the idea, yet?) worship, there can ever be.  How could any human beat transubstantiation?  

But I pray many different ways.  I love Lectio Divina.  Although, I am known to drift off when centering.  I pray the Rosary, daily, because that's part of the Rule.  I love going on retreats.  I can't pray in tongues, but I love when the babel joins into one voice--like at the Consecration.  I can't sing very well, and St. Augustine said that singing is worth double the prayer, so I do it.  I love praying in community, antiphonally.  I pray memorized prayers.  Of course, all day, I prompted to pray ejaculations. I love charismatic spontaneity.  And of course, I love to be with "my cloistered brothers" when they pray.  You can just sense their emotion, and community support, and love.  For sure, Jesus is there among them.

And!  I also love "whooping."  Whooping is preaching with rhythm, vocal emotion, heart, body, and soul.  Black ministers are known for it.  This YOU Tube Video is Rev. Tellis Chapman whooping.  CNN had a feature on Whooping.  There "whooping" is defined as a synergy between the pastor and the congregation.  And it certainly is.  But all preaching is.  Whooping pastors use chant, melody, and response preaching to reach their parishioners, in their unique style of preaching.

Can only black ministers "whoop?"  Some say "yes," because they think you have to have lived the poor, suffering life, that growing up black molds you into.  But the Rev. Paula White is a successful white "whooper."

Personally, I don't think it's a skin color prerogative. I think it's living the poor suffering life.  You have to have suffered.  Much like singing the "blues".  You have to have a soul molded in suffering.  Simpatico. 
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