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Monday, October 11, 2010

The Best Reason to Belong to a Book Club

Here's the Argonauta Book Club.  We've been together so long, I can't remember why or how we began.  I remember,"who."  Thank you Maureen.  I miss you and love you.  It must be over ten years ago.  We have grown into our own community.  We're best friends and family.  We're the best kind of family because we picked each other to be related to.  Actually, that relationship has become more important than book discussion.  Sometimes, when I tell others about the Argonauta, they're interested, until I tell them that sometimes no one has read the book.  And you can go to the book discussion without having read the book.  Then they'll turn up their nose and say that there looking for a serious book discussion group.

Well, that's exactly what we're not.  We're a serious group/club/family made up of people--and those people are the very ones we're serious about, not the book.

Anyway, next month's book is Still Alice by Dr. Lisa Genova.  I would have never picked this book to read on my own.  It's about Alzheimer's.  Sounds like it will be depressing, doesn't it?  Specifically, it's about early onset Alzheimer's.  We follow Alice, who at age 50 discovers that she has Alzheimer's.

The only reason I'm reading it is because it was Monique's pick.  She said we'd like it.  I have the library's copy.  God bless the Franklin library.  They gather enough books for our Book Club and hold them in reserve for us members to take out.  And I didn't want to buy this book; I didn't think I wanted to even read it.  So the library book is perfect.

I'm about half way through it and it's a really good read.  The book is written in the perspective of Alice, who has Alzheimer's.  It's very, very different.  And I like it.  That's the best reason to belong to a Book Club.  You read things you never would have read, were it not for the Book Club.

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