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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Music from the Inside

You wouldn't believe it. Nobody will believe it. But I had the most wonderful experience at a concert, today. And it was inside a prison. Think Johnny Cash inside Folsom Prison. Only think of no celebrities, only prisoners. And they were great!

It was a concert to raise money for the victims of the earthquake in Haiti. How could the inmates raise money? Some of them have jobs. You know like, laundry and cooking. The pay starts at $ .50 an hour and is maxed out at $ 2.00. The inmates use the money to buy personal products mostly: their own shampoo (not prison issue), things like that. So the concert was to raise funds from the inmates, not we outsiders.

I expected the result to be $ 50, at the most.

$ 3000.


The auditorium was packed. They had 12 bands scheduled to perform two songs each, in two hours. They didn't make it. We only had time for ten bands. That's too bad because every single band was excellent.

We had a couple of Latino bands, rock & roll, hip hop, jazz, an Asian band, Gospel, rhythm & blues, and rap. I could actually understand some of the rap. By the end of the time, I could see why the kids like rap. It's all about the beat. I got into it too.

I can't tell you how great it was. It definitely was one of the best concerts I've ever been to. I know you won't believe me; nobody would.

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