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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Laugh till you Cry

Because I attended Sunday's Mass in the Hispanic Community, I had to really pay close attention to the Gospel, to understand it. The Gospel was about the Beatitudes. This is something that I've heard all my life and I'm sorry to say that it went in one ear and out the other. IOW, I never really meditated on it. But since it was in Spanish, the "Dichosos ustedes los que lloran ahora, porque al fin reiran;" forced me to concentrate.

"Blessed are you who are now weeping, for you will laugh."

Mmmmmmmm. What comes to mind?

At first, I thought of being so sad that you cry. You would cry when someone died. You'd cry over being hurt. But we also laugh so hard that you can cry. can. And actually, that's what the beatitude means. When you react in a human way: sad or happy, cry or laugh, then you are blessed. You are blessed because God wants us to be compassionate. Compassion is being very human.

It is said that St. Dominic had the "Gift of Tears." Isn't that a beautiful way to say that he was very compassionate? We should all be so blessed.

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