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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Called and Gifted

Where to begin? I've had such a busy weekend. Fri. and Sat. I went to a Called and Gifted Workshop.

This workshop talks about each of our "callings" to do God's work. Jesus calls us all to do particular work in the Divine Plan. We all have a unique life and work of love that will transform us and the world about us. To do this work, the Holy Spirit endows us with specific charisms.

We have to find out what our charisms are--"discern." This workshop gave us an inventory questionnaire. That was one day. The next day, the charisms were explained. How to discern our charisms will be discerned over the following six months.

It was interesting and entertaining. My charisms seem to be pastoral: encouragement, faith, hospitality, knowledge, and writing. Over the next six months, I will pray and experiment to see if these are truly my charisms and figure out how God wants me to use them.

Would you pray for me?

1 comment:

Elizabeth Mahlou said...

Yes, of course, I will pray for you. I am sure that God will help you discern just what it is that He has given you. It sounds like an interesting workshop.

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