So we arrived in our stretch limo. That was wicked cool. We pulled in along side all the school buses. One of the volunteer guides' eyes popped out of her head, and she said, "I like your style."
We didn't like our seats, however. We were in the last seats in the cathedral. Not only couldn't we see very well, but we couldn't hear. Yes, there were speakers, but they weren't loud enough. There were large screens projecting the speakers, but they were all up front, also. One we couldn't see at all and the other was obscured by columns. :-(
The first speaker was Leah Darrow. She was good; but not what I expected. She told the story of her modeling career and the religious experience she had that brought her back to her faith. But she represents a line of fashion known as Pure Fashion, so I was expecting a fashion show. I pictured models modeling clothes down a run way with funky music rocking. I was a little disappointed.
The next speaker was Patti Mansfield. The charismatic movement started with Patti and her college friends. She presently is involved with the charismatic movement in New Orleans. Hence, I was looking forward to a rousing, hand waving, spirit slaying, speaking in tongues, Talk. She was OK.
Lunch was next on the agenda. I also went to Confession and Adoration. I saw people I haven't seen in awhile. Good experiences.
Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle was the next speaker. I guess she's well known from EWTN. She's the moderator of some Mother's show. I had never heard of her. I wish I could have told you more, but I'm ashamed to say, I fell asleep. When I woke up she was telling stories. They were cute little stories.
Lastly, was Sister Olga of the Eucharist. She is from Iraq and told a heart wrenching tale of her vocation. She was opposed by her parents, bishop, the odds. But God was with her and she is now working as the Catholic Chaplain at Boston University. She is what you call a diocesan hermit. She was terrific--wicked cool.
It was all in all a good day. But next time, I'm not ordering with the parish. There was no advantage to that. The ticket prices were all the same, no matter how many you order, by parish or not. We waited until the last minute because we wanted all the women of the parish to have a chance to come. Hence, we got the worse seats.
But thank be to God, our limo was waiting to take us home. Somehow, although all ten of us fit in the back, coming to the Conference, there was no room for me in the back. :-/ So I rode shot gun.
I give thanks to You, My Love. It was a good day, and may I be able to put into practice the fruits that I gleaned from these spiritual offerings. Likewise, all my friends. Ditto, all the other women, there. You are too good. Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ.