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Monday, January 11, 2010

What has God done for Me?

My Facebook friend, Brother Vito, Franciscan seminarian extrodinaire, suggested that I blog this question, when he saw it posed on FB.

At first, I was going to make a list: 3 happy, healthy, productive children, a happy marriage, etc.....but that would go on forever. Everything I have is due to God. It's all part of His plan.

So, I'll give the most important blessing God has ever done for me. HE died for me, so that I could have everlasting life; HE saved me. HE loves me and watches over me and my family, and always will.



Br. Vito Martinez said...

I took your question to prayer this evening, and even though I didn't get a chance to see this post before entering the chapel...oddly enough I came to the same conclusion!

Between the thanks I have for my mother and her healing, being yanked from my old life and put here (sometimes with a lil kicking and screaming), and even for the gift of being created and able to experience life and love...(the list goes on)

But like you say, in the end it's about being thankful for the prerogotive of God to take on human form and die that we might reach eternal life.

a fragrance of God said...


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