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Friday, January 1, 2010

My Ten Best of 2009

In order of their impact upon me:

1. Karen's Wedding

2. Karen's Bridal Shower

3. John's Death

4. Fr. Timothy Radcliffe, O.P.'s visit to my chapter and his Talk at the Summer Speaker's Series
on the Cape.

5. Fr. David Kammler, O.P.'s visit to my chapter.

6. Retreat to St. Joseph's Abbey in Spencer, MA.

7. Entire change-over of priests in my parish.

8. Fr. Fleck, O.P.'s death.

9. Ms. Dorothy Murphy, O.P.'s death.

10. Ted Kennedy's death.

1 comment:

Faith said...

I just noticed that almost half are "death."

Well, that is an impact.

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