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Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Best Homily

This weekend, because of different demands, I attended three Masses. I listened to the Gospel story of Jesus turning the water into wine, 3x.

I am amazed at the vast difference in homilies.

The first was the 4:00 PM, Saturday night. I had to participate in a little talk about the Arise Together in Christ Program. Father talked about how important a wedding was in the culture of that time. He also said the most beautiful metaphor. Actually, he was quoting something that Richard Crashaw wrote, "The conscious water saw its God and blushed."

Wow! The water in divine presence blushed.

I also had to Lector at the noon Mass. The Mass celebrant was the Pastor, whom we haven't seen for over a month. His sister was dying and he was her main caregiver and stayed with her until she died. His homily consisted of family ties and responsibilities. The Blessed Mother and her Son's relationship.

Lastly, I went to a Bilingual Hispanic Mass because it was a "Good-Bye Celebration" for Sister Marybeth, the Chaplain to the Spanish Community. This Mass was inside a prison. The priest is a Jesuit. His homily was about Haiti. The people there must be crying out to Jesus. Cries of help must be asking for a miracle. The people ask for a miracle just like the Blessed Mother asked for a miracle from Jesus. Jesus turned the water into wine. Jesus is performing miracles in Haiti. Look at all the people he sent to help.

How's that for a segue! Asking Jesus to do something in Haiti--the Blessed Mother asking Jesus to do something.

The homilist in prison was the best.

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