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Monday, January 4, 2010

Saint Nicholas of Myra

Finally! On Dec. 28th I told you about Matthew at Catholic Life picking patron saints for the year. Rather, the saint picks you. Well, I got picked by St. Nicholas of Myra.

I don't know why St. Nick chose me. I've read about his life and I don't see any reason that connects us. Just about everybody reveres him. He's the patron saint of Russia and Greece. There's many icons of him.

He is the patron saint of judges, murderers, pawnbrokers, thieves, merchants, paupers, scholars, sailors, bakers, travelers, maidens and poor children. He is also known as the friend and protector of all those in trouble. Oh-oh. I hope trouble isn't brewing for me this year. And he's the patron of murderers--look out everybody. Don't piss me off.

I like his life story. He doesn't die a horrible death like Peter Martyr. He doesn't live a terrible life like St. Margaret of Castello. He's an average guy who try to live right and do right. He loved to surprise people with little gifts. Who could not love this guy?

The most famous story about Nicholas tells of how he helped three unfortunate young sisters who all had suitors but had no dowries because their father, a poor nobleman, could not raise the money. Because of this, they could not marry.

So he secretly left a bag of gold so that the father would find it, three times. One story has him tossing the bag down the chimney into the fireplace. Another has St. Nick putting the bag of gold into one of the girl's stocking that was hanging to dry.

See how the legend grew into Santa Claus?

I don't know why St. Nicholas of Myra picked me, but I'm happy he did. I like him.

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