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Sunday, March 31, 2024

To Tell or Not to Tell

 Usually, Jesus told people not to tell others of their miracle healing.  There are many examples, one of which is Mark 1: 43-44.

But in Luke 8: 26-39, Jesus told the healed man to tell--spread the news of what happened to you.

What's the difference?

When Jesus was among His own people, He wasn't ready to be acknowledge as the Messiah.  But in Luke 8: 26-39, He was among Gentiles.  He wanted them to know their Messiah, so He wanted the Word to be spread.

However, when you read what happened to the demons, the people were frightened.  Indeed, they were so overcome with fear, that they asked Jesus to leave.

This time, the people weren't ready for the Messiah, instead of the Messiah not being ready.

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