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Saturday, March 9, 2024

Jesus Doesn't Fight

 Jason Porterfield's takeaway of Holy Week, in Fight Like Jesus, is very interesting.  His view challenged me.  I'm not a pacifist.  I think that's too naive.  Although I'm glad we have people like that, but it just seems too gullible.  

Porterfield made me think.  I can see what he's saying, but I don't agree 100%.

This book is to be read during Holy Week, starting with Palm Sunday.  The people are celebrating the arrival of their Messiah.  They're shouting "Hosanna."  The Greek translation tends to imply that "hosannah" is for a savior, a rescurer.  This is what Jesus is, but not a conquering, violent, insurrection.  That's what the people were excited about.

Holy Monday, Jesus goes to the temple and throws the money changers out.  Porterfield claims that this was not a violent act.  No people were hurt.  He couldn't have used whips because there weren't any around.  He must have used wicker and something within his grasp.  The temple needed to be cleared of the people cheating and He did it.

Holy Tuesday, Jesus goes back to the temple and has verbal confrontational encounters with the temple authorities, which convinces them to get rid of Jesus.  He has the crowd following Him, who think He's going to attack the Roman soldiers, like he cleared the temple.

Holy Wednesday, He gets annointed by the woman.  Judas is disgusted by the waste of money and makes a deal with the temple authorities.

Holy Thursday is the Last Supper.  Judas leaves early to make arrangements.  Jesus is arrested without resisting.

Good Friday is the crucifixion.  Porterfield explains why the crowd chose to release Barabbas.  Remember that everybody was expecting Jesus to overthrow the Romans.  Well, He didn't. But Barabbas tried and it resulted in his being arrested for insurrection.  Also, Barabbas' name is Bar-Abba, IOW, Son of Abba (God).  

Now, you are expecting Jesus to overthrow the Romans.  Who would you choose to be released, the one arrested for insurrection, or the one preaching love your enemies?  

Who would you choose: Jesus Bar Abba, or Jesus Bar Joseph of Nazareth.  Barabbas' first name was Jesus (common name)?

On Holy Saturday, Jesus worked.  He went down to release the dead.

Sunday, Jesus proves He's the messiah.  He raises Himself from the dead.

Who can do that?  Only the messiah can do that, Jesus the Christ.

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