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Monday, November 6, 2023

Telling the Pope Where to Go

 Louis de Wohl's Lay Siege to Heaven is historical saint fiction about St. Catherine of Siena.  It's a fictional account of her life.  All the stories, the bits and pieces that I've picked up, here and there, are pulled together quite nicely.

Catherine lived in a time of toxic political scheming and discord. Italy did not exist, at that time.  The cities were like separate countries and always warring against each other.  It wasn't even safe for the pope to live in Rome.  During Catherine's time, the pope lived in Avignon, France.

Catherine felt called to live the life of a consecrated virgin.  She did not enter the convent and it was a good thing she didn't.  She would never have been free enough to do what she did.

She roamed here and there, to help people.  She helped out in hospitals and visited prisons to bring the love and mercy to prisoners.  She wrote letters to the various princes who wanted to war against other cities.  Her letters to the pope helped convince him to return to Rome.

Somewhere she learned to read.  The book says God taught her.  But she wasn't schooled, yet she dictated letters.  She wrote The Dialogue; God's conversations with her. 

She received the stigmata, but requested that the visible signs of this gift, not be shown.  She didn't want the publicity.  

Many people read Louis de Wohl's books on different saints.  Now, I can see why.  The story is easy to read and very understandable.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

excellent review

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