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Tuesday, November 7, 2023

A Time of Disaster and Violence

 Today is Tuesday in the Thirty-First Week in Ordinary Time. The first morning reading is from the first book of Maccabees. 

The Maccabees was the name of a family. They lived and were prominent in the city of Modein—a little north of Jerusalem. They kept to themselves being kosher in a time when the king and the people practiced pagan sacrifices. Their leader, Mattathias, couldn’t take any more of the pagan worship,  and warred against the king and his followers. The reading quotes Mattathias:

Arrogance and scorn have now grown strong; it is a time of disaster and violent anger…

This quote fits Israel, today. Hamas was arrogant and scornful enough to attack Israel. Israel is defending itself causing much anger and disaster. 

No matter the times, people don't change.

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