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Saturday, June 24, 2023

The Tamid

 The Arc of the Covenant in the Old Testament housed God's special presence.  Also, it was a place where the people could offer sacrifices.  On Mount Sinai, God instructed Moses to institute the Tamid. Ex 29: 38-39, 42-43.

Now this is what you shall offer upon the altar:
two lambs a year old day by continually...It 
shall be a continual burnt offering throughout
your generations at the door of the tent...

These are the instructions Abraham received on Mount Sinai. This is prefiguring the liturgical sacrifice of daily Mass.  The lambs were used to remember Isaac's close call.  Today, we offer Jesus, the Lamb of God - fulfilling the Tamid sacrifice.  

Everything we do, fulfills the Old Testament covenants.  

                                                  Valentin de Boulogne

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