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Saturday, June 17, 2023

Aliens and the Catholic Church

 An article entitled "Vatican Helped Cover UP UFO Crash," caught my eye.  The article claims that a space ship crashed in Italy, during WWII.  The Vatican told the Americans and never told anyone else. 

You can read the article yourself.  What interested me was a commentator's post.  He said, This is one of the more far-fetched ones out there. Why would the pope have known about anything? Mussolini barely tolerated the Vatican’s presence in Rome.

I wanted to respond to him. But it was too complicated to make a comment.  So I'll inflict my response on my own blog.

It's not far-fetched.  Since the 16th century, the Vatican has had an astronomical observatory.  Contrary to anti-Catholic bias, the Vatican encourages science.  Remember the Galileo controversy.  He was a good Catholic and a good astronomer, among other sciences.  Also, it was Pope Gregory who changed the old Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar--the one we have now.  And that change was made in the 16th century, also.  IOW, the Vatican has been looking at space for quite awhile.

BTW, the Vatican also has an observatory in Arizona at the Mont Graham International Observatory.

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