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Thursday, April 28, 2022

The Joke's on Us.

 Today's hike brought us to an abandoned building (there are many abandoned bldgs. at Medfied State Hospital) that had a fence around it.  The fence had 36 locks on it.  36!!!  Bob counted them and he's a semi-retired cop, so he notices those things. 

There were nine hikers, this morning.  When we came upon this fence, we stopped.  We read the sign:

  "Isn't a velociraptor a dinosaur?"
  "Not sure."

What threw us off, was the statement underneath the velociraptor notice: carnivore handlers only within 50 feet.

"What's that mean?"
"Not sure."
As we seriously debated the meaning of this ominous sign, a dog-walker came by.  He was laughing and said "Funny, huh?"

"Oh yes, we knew it was a joke, right away!"

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