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Saturday, April 23, 2022

Mass Intentions

 Catholics believe in the Communion of Saints: we pray for our dead and they pray for us.  This is especially so when associated with the eucharistic sacrifice. The Prayers of the Faithful, also, show our concern for the needs of the world and we connect them to the eucharistic sacrifice.  

Throughout the church's history, the people have requested prayers for their loved ones and other special intentions.  My parish has Mass Intentions form listed on its website.  But do you pay for it?

Theoretically, no because no one can pay for a Mass.  So we don't call it paying for Mass; we make an offering.  After all, there are utilities, insurance, etc. and other necessities to support a parish.

It is very important that we bring to our Lord our concerns and that means our blessings on our loved ones.  We communicate with the Lord, all day, so a special grace would be to offer these prayers at the eucharistic sacrifice.  

People often do this on the anniversary of a special occasion. It is a nice gesture.

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