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Thursday, April 14, 2022

The Institution of the Priesthood

Catholics believe that Jesus' command to do this in remembrance of Him was instructions for His priests.  Well not only John 6: 53-56, but include Leviticus 16, where the High Priest would go to the Holy of Holies.  Jesus was following the instructions in Leviticus 16.  He removed His outer garments, then tied a towel around His waist.  He then proceeded to wash the feet of His disciples.  See the High Priest would go to the Holy of Holies, remove his outer garments to bathe before he offered sacrifice as a priest, on behalf of the people.

Jesus didn't wash His own feet.  No, He washed His priests'.  He was ordaining them and at the Last Supper instituted the Holy Eucharist with the instructions, "Do this in remembrance of me."

The Eucharist and the institution of the priesthood, and the continuance of  Apostolic Succession, all began on Holy Thursday.  We Catholics follow these traditions just as Christ instituted them.

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