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Saturday, December 18, 2021

The Mother of God


I was listening to my local radio station playing Christmas music.  The disc jockey would give explanations for carols and/or music.  I know the disc jockey.  He's a Protestant.  He didn't play any Catholic hymns and his descriptions of his Methodist Christmas Eve service waxed poetic.  It was a description of a candlelight service where the congregation made a circle with just their lit candles.  Then suddenly they all extinguished their candles.  They wait for the Light of the World to be born.
     But he surprised me.  He closed his radio show by talking about the Catholic Mass.  He was accurate too.  He mentioned the Church started with St. Peter, who was our first pope.  He called the Catholic Mass, a highly liturgical ceremony.  He played Ave Maria by Placido Domingo because without Mary there would be no Jesus.  

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