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Saturday, December 4, 2021

Ezekiel's Prophesy

 It's bizarre that I'm preparing a Lenten Reflection Booklet for my Lay Dominican Region and looking at scripture prophesizing redemption, and in real-time I'm in Advent.  Read what Gus, one of my "cloistered brothers" wrote for Ezekiel 37: 21-28 and John 11: 45-56, and see if his words aren't also describing the birth of Jesus.

Jesus triumphantly enters Jerusalem, after bringing Lazarus back to life.  Jesus is fulfilling Ezekiel's prophesy.  

Thus speaks the Lord God: 'I will take the Israelites from among the nations to which they have bring them back to their land... My dwelling shall be with sanctuary shall be set up among them forever. 

Jesus begins in Bethlehem and ends in Jerusalem.  He will dwell among His people and bring the promised land to them.  His sanctuary to us Catholics is the tabernacle.  It is set up among His people, forever.

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