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Friday, September 24, 2021

Near Death Experience

 It is hard to categorize this book.  DYING TO BE ME, by Anita Moorjani is non-fiction, a memoir, and a self-help book. I also didn't know how many stars to give this type of book.  If it were a thriller and a page-turner, it would be a 5 star.  But non-fiction isn't page-turning.  That being said, Moorjani's book is about her near-death experience--NDE.

          I'm not an expert on NDE.  The few that I've read, tell us about the peace and love the people felt.  Moorjani was no exception.  The unconditional, all-encompassing love she experienced was life-changing.

         Of course, the fact that she was cured of cancer, almost instantaneously, was a component, too.  She medically was dead from her cancer-ridden body when she experienced her NDE.  She rose above her body and saw not only her hospital room, doctors, etc., but also her brother in an airplane coming to see his dying sister.  She saw the beauty of the light, peace, calmness, and indescribable love that characterizes what we think of heaven.  I think a factor in what impressed her so much was that being a Hindu she expected reincarnation and this experience was so very different.  

       The experience changed her attitude, temperament, and lifestyle

.  She felt her previous goals, ideas, and life were just not important.  Life is precious.  We are all precious and the energy of being unites us into one.  She was shocked into being was God intended her to be. 

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