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Thursday, September 30, 2021
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
This is cute.
Someone describes packing his suitcase for a trip. Just before closing it, he observes a small corner not yet filled. He thinks, "Into this little corner I put a guide book, a lamp, a mirror, a microscope, a telescope, a volume of choice poems, several well-written biographies, a package of old letters, a book of songs, a sharp sword and a small library of more than sixty volumes; yet, strange enough to say, all these did not occupy a space of more than three inches long by two inches wide." "But how could you do it?" "Well, it was all in the packing, I put in my Bible."
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
The September 2021 issue of The Word Among Us, daily meditations for Catholics had an interesting response by Archbishop Joseph Kurtz. The question a little girl asked was, "Why was my brother born with autism?". The archbishop replied that he couldn't really answer; he didn't know.
That's a good answer. Who knows why one is tall or short, or American or whatever? God's plans are a mystery to us. No one knows the mind of God.
The archbishop asked the little girl a question. "Do you love your brother?" She answered "yes." Then he explained how much better both their lives were because of their love for each other. Life doesn't consist of solving problems. Life is meant to be lived and life is better when shared with others. Even Adam needed someone to love. We were made that way.
We were made to love others. Life is better when shared with someone.
Monday, September 27, 2021
Angelica NOT
Sunday, September 26, 2021
Reform School from Hell
"The Nickel Boys" by Colson Whitehead reminded me of Lisa Wingate's "Before We Were Yours." Both are southern horror stories concerning children and the horrendous events that altered their lives.
The Nickel boys were the boys who were in a reform school named Nickels. The major character, Ellwood was inspired by Martin Luther King Jr. and read just about every speech he wrote. Ellwood was hitchhiking to college when he was picked up in a stolen car. Ellwood got involved as an accessory and was sent to Nickels. The boys were tortured, raped, mutilated, and even killed. Bodies were hidden in unmarked graves.But these boys are black. Racial injustice put Ellwood there. Racial injustice was the norm at Nickels. And racial injustice hid the atrocities that were committed there. As Colson Whitehead says, "It doesn't stop when you get out."
I hope we are better than that, now. Let's keep vigilance to never let racial injustice appear on our watch.
Saturday, September 25, 2021
Guess Again
The story begins with President Duncan in front of Congress answering their questions like we see people do for Congressional hearings. The representatives want the president to explain why he's telephoning jihadists. President Duncan won't answer. Then come to find out, what we've been reading wasn't real. It was a practice before the president goes before the representatives.
That's a taste for what you think is coming, it doesn't. What happened to the president? Is he hiding so he doesn't have to testify? Was he kidnapped? Did his blood disease render him incapacitated and he's in the hospital? Where did he go?
There's an assassin. Is she after the president? Will the assassin get caught?
There's a traitor. It's one of six people. Whom do you think it is?
I'm not spoiling this fun, fast-paced novel. Enjoy.
Friday, September 24, 2021
A Walk With Faith
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Billy took up my challenge!!!! Here's his offering.
A Walk with Faith (In My Heart)
by William Wyllie
To Beaver Pond we will stroll.
I have not been there sing long ago.
Chilson Beach, a beautiful place.
In my mind I travel through time and space,
To a time long ago, when I was a lad.
To this same place with brother and sister.
What a time we had.
Today I walk with Faith.
And photos I take.
Lots of trees by the pond, grow wild,
In the past very few, when I was a child.
We walk to a clearing, a boar ramp looks fine.
I walk to the edge, should I step one more time?
As I get closer to the water, one more step I may go.
A thick black snake, pops out of a hole.
With a startled surprise, right back I did jump.
I did it so fast, I heard a loud thump.
In a blink of an eye the snake popped back in its hole.
And that is when real fast I did stroll.
Faith said with concern, "I would have jumped just the same."
With a twinkle in her eye, good friends we remain.
Near Death Experience
It is hard to categorize this book. DYING TO BE ME, by Anita Moorjani is non-fiction, a memoir, and a self-help book. I also didn't know how many stars to give this type of book. If it were a thriller and a page-turner, it would be a 5 star. But non-fiction isn't page-turning. That being said, Moorjani's book is about her near-death experience--NDE.
I'm not an expert on NDE. The few that I've read, tell us about the peace and love the people felt. Moorjani was no exception. The unconditional, all-encompassing love she experienced was life-changing.
Of course, the fact that she was cured of cancer, almost instantaneously, was a component, too. She medically was dead from her cancer-ridden body when she experienced her NDE. She rose above her body and saw not only her hospital room, doctors, etc., but also her brother in an airplane coming to see his dying sister. She saw the beauty of the light, peace, calmness, and indescribable love that characterizes what we think of heaven. I think a factor in what impressed her so much was that being a Hindu she expected reincarnation and this experience was so very different.
The experience changed her attitude, temperament, and lifestyle
. She felt her previous goals, ideas, and life were just not important. Life is precious. We are all precious and the energy of being unites us into one. She was shocked into being was God intended her to be.
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
A Laudate Si Garden
My garden shames me when I see this garden. I need an army of nuns to help me. This video is from Vatican News.
The nuns attract visitors to their garden with its beauty but the garden preaches of the glory of God. The plants are aromatic, medicinal, and eatable. The garden itself is a visible, concrete example of the pope's encyclical Laudate Si.
Sunday, September 19, 2021
Religion Based on Rape
A priest was telling me that he was asked to talk to some Hebrew students. This was a seventh/eighth grade. One boy challenged the priest with the statement, "How can you follow a religion based on rape?"
He was blindsided by this question and couldn't think and finally muttered something.
This story has been echoing in my mind ever since. How would I have responded?
I would have said that the Blessed Virgin Mary was predicted. Scriptures prove the virgin birth and it certainly wasn't rape. The angel Gabriel asked Mary if she would consent to the conception of the Son of the Most High.
Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus.
Mary's consent is called her FIAT.
Back to the prophesies that this would happen:
But you, Bethlehem-Ephrathat least among the clans of Judah, from you, shall come forth for me, one who is to be ruler in Israel; whose origin is from of old, from ancient times. There the Lord will give them up, until the time when she who is to give birth has borne... Micah 5: 2
Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign; the young woman pregnant and about to bear a son, shall name him Emmanuel. Isaiah 7: 14
Open to argument is Psalm 45. This psalm is a song for a royal wedding. When I read Psalm 45 I see the praise for Mary. How do you read it?
Saturday, September 18, 2021
Walking With Bill
Yesterday, I posted Billy's poem where he mentions me. Today, I pay him back!
A quick jump, Bill does make,
Seeing a striking pose by a snake.
Pain and fright, upon his face,
Away from that place, he did race.
Fumbling for phone, take a picture.
But the serpent's gone in a flicker.
It all happened so quickly,
Things do when Billy's with me.
"I wasn't scared," yet he squirmed.
"I was just surprised," Bill affirmed.
"He was a black, huge, thick circle--"
Bill's hand mimicked a huge pickle.
This happened as I saw it,
Bill's version may differ a bit.
I challenge him to respond in rhyme.
A new poem would suit me just fine.
Name That Tune
Another guest blogger, William Wyllie. Bill always rhymes.
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
The Power of Prayer and Self-Control
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Praying in a Labyrinth The labyrinth is a metaphor for a spiritual journey, with the entrance representing birth and the center symbolizing God or enlightenment. |
Prayer, whether directed toward a specific deity or more freeform, has been shown to have the power to positively affect our physical and mental health. Prayer has been linked to reduced stress and anxiety, lower blood pressure and heart rate, and even brain chemistry changes that can make a person more empathetic, amicable, and altruistic. Studies into how and why prayer works as a mechanism for overall health improvement have found numerous reasons for its success.
One interesting way in which prayer has
recently been found to help us is through self-control. A recent study asked
participants to watch a funny video and do all they could to suppress their
emotions - something that requires a decent amount of self-discipline. After
that, the subjects were tasked with a cognitive test - in this case identifying
colors and text. The question these researchers wanted to explore was whether
prayer could help people replenish their reserves of self-control.
Here’s what they found, via Scientific
“Indeed it did. Participants who were
asked to pray about a topic of their choosing for five minutes showed
significantly better performance on the task after emotion suppression,
compared to participants who were simply asked to think about a topic of their
choosing. And this effect held regardless of whether participants identified as
religious (70 percent) or not.
Why? The authors tested several possible
explanations, but found statistical support for only one: people interpret
prayer as a social interaction with God, and social interactions are what give
us the cognitive resources necessary to avoid temptation. Past research has
found that even brief social interactions with others can promote cognitive
functioning, and the same seems to hold true for brief social interactions with
It appears that prayer serves as a type of
social interaction - only with God. This is what helps people overcome
impulses. This is exciting, as it means that the reason prayer can help people
with self-control - to overcome temptation and struggle - doesn’t necessarily
have to do with religious guilt. The actual act of prayer is what provides the
positive benefit.
Prayer has also been shown to elicit physical responses
in the brain and body, such as slowed breathing and heart rate and lowered
blood pressure. Along with committing to a healthy lifestyle, this can have a calming
effect, one which allows those who practice prayer to feel decreased stress and
When you couple a reduction in stress with
an ability to heighten one’s self-control, it’s easy to see why prayer can be a
powerful tool in helping us regulate our hectic lives.
One of the myths about prayer is that you
have to be incredibly religious to reap its benefits. This is false. Studies
have shown that prayer acts as a form of meditation, and its effects can be
traced to the participants’ emotions and feelings concerning their prayer. As the
above study showed, even those that didn’t identify as religious saw the cognitive benefits as those who did.
One doesn’t have to take religion out of
prayer to say that the less religious can still benefit from the practice. In
terms of calming oneself, finding strength to persist through a challenging
task, and reducing overall anxiety, prayer is another free activity that can
have tremendous positive effects. Prayer helps us feel connected to our world -
on both an earthly and spiritual plane. Through focusing on prayer, we can improve our overall
health and well-being.
This post was written by guest blogger, Rhonda Underhill.
Monday, September 13, 2021
How to Study the Bible
Laura's blog, Craving Graces explains several different methods of studying the Bible. They are all excellent. But what works for me is simply reading the verses and then reading commentary on them. And not just one commentary. I read several and then compare them. Sometimes, I google the verses and read different commentaries that are referenced. My favorite commentators are Alice Camille, Roger Karban, John Pilch, and the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible New Testament.
Sunday, September 12, 2021
Pray for our Earth
The heads of the Catholic, Orthodox and Anglican Churches are directing their congregations to pray for the upcoming UN summit, October 12-November.
Saturday, September 11, 2021
Not Enough Sense to Come In Out of the Rain
My conservative-libertarian friend sent me a video called Biden Says Everyone Wear A Raincoat to Keep Others Dry. Peggy Hall argues for individual choice.
Friday, September 10, 2021
Church is a Healthy Activity
My guest blogger, Rhonda Underhill, wrote an article, For Seniors Wanting to Stay Physically Active. In it, she suggested going to church.
- You physically have to go to church. You meet people who think like you. You feel comfortable with the people. There may be extra church activities, picnics, discussions, book clubs, Bible classes, etc.
- Attending church may lead to non-church activities that friends told you about: bowling leagues, walking groups, etc.
- The church community offers church support. Everyone needs a support group. Helping each other is what community is all about.
- You do get some more exercise, if you're Catholic. During Mass, there are different postures of praying. When you first enter a pew, people genuflect, like when you would meeting Queen Elizabeth. You are meeting a King!
You bow as you pass the altar to reverence the altar. You may bow for the Kiss of Peace. You bow when certain words are said during prayers.
You kneel during words of supplication, e.i., "O Lord I am not worthy."
You stand during the procession, recession, singing, and the Gospel, as a gesture of respect.
Finally, you sit for readings and the homily.
Wednesday, September 8, 2021
From No Responsibility to Head of a Household
The neighbors are incredibly supportive. They help wherever and when they were allowed. The story is about how this family survives.
The strongest part of the novel for me was the characterization. Mary Lawson draws her characters so well, I can see them. I loved them all. Since I can identify with the situation and some of the situations, I was engrossed in the story. I read it in a weekend.
Tuesday, September 7, 2021
Taking Care of the Grands
How to Safely Check on Senior Church Members During the Pandemic
Seniors have been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic: Though many are now vaccinated, they may still be worried about leaving the house and the consequences of self-isolating can compromise their mental health. As a church member, you can help seniors in your community by following some of these resources and tips presented by our guest blogger, Rhonda for The One True Faith blog.
Q1. What’s the best way to check in on seniors from my church?
A1. Call seniors at home and ask them about their health and offer resources where needed.
5 Expert Tips on How to Help Seniors During the Pandemic
Phone Friends for Seniors Program
Q2. What sort of food assistance can I provide to seniors from church?
A2. You could offer help with meal planning or help provide resources for grocery delivery.
Costco Delivery Online Near Me
Coronavirus Causes Surge in Demand for Senior Meal Delivery
18 Quick, Easy, and Healthy Meals for Seniors
Q3. What assistance around the home can I provide to seniors from church?
A3. You can help connect them with the resources or services they need.
Help Finding a Real Estate Agent, If They're Considering Selling Their Home to Downsize
Covid Safe Home Cleaning Services
How to Find and Hire a Great Landscape Contractor
Q4. How can I help my senior friends and loved ones keep up with their health during the pandemic?
A4. You can provide information about ways to self-care and monitor their daily mental health.
Promoting Mental Health for Seniors During a Pandemic
10 Healthy Habits for Seniors to Feel More Fantastic
By following the above advice, your senior friends from church will feel more connected and less lonely during the pandemic.
Thanks to Rhonda Underhill for this helpful post. It contains useful advice for all times, not just during this current COVID-19 pandemic. I hope everyone enjoyed it, as well as I did. Let's hope for more from Rhonda.
Monday, September 6, 2021
Jesus is Alive
LECTIO: Job 19: 25-27
I know that my Redeemer lives,
and that in the end he will stand upon the earth.
And after my skin has been destroyed,
yet in my flesh I will see God;
I myself will see him
with my own eyes--I, and not another.
How my heart yearns within me!:
After all Job has been through, he still believes everything will turn out for the good, because he believes that's God's plan. What faith! And without knowing about the resurrection of the body, Job believes he will see God face to face.
I am reading these verses from the Office of the Dead, which I am praying for my brother in community, Gary. He was once a "cloistered brother," but he served his time and was released, many years ago.
Gary was a believer. I'd love to know what he said when he met the Redeemer.
"I'm sorry.", for sure, but what else?
Lord, have mercy on Gary. He did change his life around. Yes, he was a sinner, but he loved You, Lord. Have mercy on him.
Lord, give me more faith, like Job's.
Thursday, September 2, 2021
Once You Were Lost...
This is a picture of the ottoman in our living room. The missing robot vacuum cleaner was under it. There's a little skirt on the bottom of the ottoman, so I didn't see it. That was until today when I went to move the ottoman and found where the robot was hiding.
You can run, but you can't hide.
Wednesday, September 1, 2021
An Addendum
Year of Mercy
This is one of those Dynamic Catholic books, promoted by Matthew Kelly. Beautiful Mercy. It was perfect for me. I have little patience an...

My Lay Dominican Chapter, Our Lady of Mercy, has the best spiritual director. Today he gave us, what my "cloistered brothers" ca...
One of the most unattractive qualities of our human condition is our propensity to think the worst of the best of us. When someone is extre...