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Friday, August 6, 2021

News From the Inside


2 August 2021
Dear Friends of Bethany,

As the Feast day of our beloved St. Dominic approaches, I am mindful of the many challenges our Bethanian community both near and across the sea continues to wrestle with.  I draw much comfort from the memories we’ve created and hold dear, and I draw strength daily knowing that from its inception our Bethanian community is a community of prayer warriors.  There is much for us to do these days: to heal, rebuild, regenerate, grieve and listen…I am mindful of the old WWII story that tells of parishioner’s returning to their bombed out church to find the church crucifix laying amidst the rubble with no hands and no feet.  Someone there responded that “You are His feet, and His hands now.  And so in our journey as we emerge from the rubble, we rise from the ashes, carrying that “word of hope…” It is with this “hope” in my heart that I wish you a blessed Feast Day and know I continue to pray for you and your mission, wherever that may take you.

It is my hope that before long some of you shall return to the field of MCI Norfolk, where each day presents new challenges.  We are opening slowly, but progress is being made.  As I write this, “Howard” a 15 month old yellow lab (all 80 pounds of him) is snoring at my feet from a good morning’s service dog training work. 
I am working towards getting the dogs up to the ADL (prison hospital) for visits in the near future.  I spoke with our brother James (President of Our Lady of Mercy Dominican Chapter) yesterday and he says it is like “death valley” up there, where there simply is very little for the men to do but lay around.  His situation is not good, but recently has been to outside hospitals for diagnosis.  His spirit is typically James…Cheerful, smiling outwardly while he must be coping with so much inner wrangling.  Wheelchair bound and hands (3 fingers on each) are now curled up and leg muscles atrophied yet still the Light shines bright in his eyes and his heart.

All things considered after a few violent weeks, things are quite calm here.  I feel God is stilling the water as I roam the yards and walk amidst the crowds, Howard happily greeting and licking one face after another….a reminder of love in a very dark place…There are so many reminders if we keep our eyes open…our hearts wide and welcoming…Truly God is great…no matter what!
With love, prayers, and joy at each thought of you…wishing you all peace.

Your Dominican brother,

Phil  (and Howard too)

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