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Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Missing Vacuum Robot Report

It's crazy; I know.  It's true, though.  My robot vacuum is missing.  I was using it this morning.  I didn't want it to come into the room I was using because I was listening to a Podcast, so I closed the door.  I could hear the vacuum noises and it even got stuck under the kitchen counter and beeped until I came and rescued it.  

When I finished the Podcast, I went to check on the robot.  I couldn't find it.  And I still can't find it.

It will turn up sooner or later, won't it?


Sunday, August 29, 2021

Hillel Taught Jesus

 If you want to be even more confused than you are, look up "Hillel taught Jesus."  

Here is the context:

Absolute cleanliness is Godliness! Teach the Moral ABC that unites all mankind free, instantly 6 billion strong & we're All-One.  "Listen Children Eternal Father Eternally One!"  1st  If I'm not me, who am I?  Nobody!  2nd  Yet, if I'm only for me, what am I? Nothing!  3rd  If not now, when?!  Once more: unless constructive-selfish I work hard perfecting first me, absolute nothing can help me! Exceptions none!!  4th  Only hard work -- God's Law can save us, but if we teach only our clan? We're all hated then! So, Hillel taught Jesus, we must teach friend & enemy, the whole Human race, the full truth, hard-work, free speech, press & profitsharing Moral ABC's All-One-God-Faith, as teach the African shepherd-astronomers Abraham & Israel, for 6000 years, since the year One:  "LISTEN CHILDREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNALLY ONE!" -- we're one!  All-one! Exceptions eternally? None!  Absolute none!

This quote is from a label pasted on Dr. Bronner's Pure-Castile Soap.  It's very small print, which I bothered to read because this soap can be used for your face, dishes, washing the dog--18 uses!   

It's hard to understand, but you get the gist.  Isn't strange that Jewish references are made?  Yet, Jews don't call God, by name.  They write something like G--.  So Hillel, the rabbi taught Jesus.  Perhaps, but since when do rabbis call God by name?  

What would you say the point of the quote is?  This soap cleans ALL--Exceptions None?  Well, note the instructions about Hard Work.  So if you scrub very hard, you'll get clean results.  

Remember, "cleanliness is next to Godliness!"  All this time I thought this quote was from Ben Franklin and here I learn that it's from Hillel.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Care of Our Creation

 Every year between September 1---October 4, Christians from all over the world are meeting this year to discuss how to heal our world. Christians from six continents will gather together for a time of reflection, restoration, and hope.  They will discuss how to live better.  

People are invited to join the effort.  One way is to have a meeting of like-minded people and pray, and discuss what actions they could take to make the world better:

  • lead a clean-up project to pick up litter and/or clean out an abandoned area and make community use of it.
  • promote climate awareness
  • have an ecumenical service celebrating our earth.
You can get a guide with more information and ideas here:

The ancient Greek word oikos refers to three related but distinct concepts: the family, the family's property, and the house.


Thursday, August 26, 2021

Sage Smudge Sticks


This is a bundle of sage leaves.  My daughter burns these (when dried) to get rid of all negative things.  While the sage bundle is smoking she will direct the smoke to where she wants to cleanse.  You pray while you do this.

I love incense.  Since I burn incense anyway, I thought why not make my own.  I grow sage in my garden.  I picked the leaves and put them together and tied them up.  

I wasn't sure what to do with the stems.  Do I cut them off?  I know people put flowers in their sage bundles and they would have stems, so why not use the stems to the sage leaves.  I made a second bundle.

This was easier.  My fingers were better able to work and see, I wrapped up the stems, too.  Now the two bundles just have to dry.  Once dry, I can light them with a match and smell the incense.  While the incense smoke is rising to heaven, I pray.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

What You See is NOT What You Get

 Your eyes really don't see what you think you do.  Your mind interferes with the truth.  Think of people who you think are beautiful, lucky, smart, rich--everything you wish you were.

But are they?

How do we know what they're going through?

If you realize this, then why get upset, why be jealous, and why even wish you could change places with someone.

The best advice is to look in the mirror and assess yourself. There's always the need for improvement.

At least, get more sleep.  Things look will look different in the morning.

Monday, August 23, 2021

American Burnweed

 This tall plant with a fluffy dandelion head was growing in my garden.  I've been watching it grow.  Yesterday, we had wind gusts from hurricaine Henri.  It looked like it was snowing!  Those fluffly white flower heads were blowing everywhere.  Obviously, the plant is very invasive.

Today, I ripped up about ten of those plants, here and there, in my garden.  I looked them up and found out that they're called American Burnweed, or Fireweed, or Pileweed.  They're medicinal.

I don't care.  They don't belong in my garden.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

A Shepherd's Post: St. Peter Sometimes Feels Like the Guy Who Asks Qu...

A Shepherd's Post: St. Peter Sometimes Feels Like the Guy Who Asks Qu...: Matthew 18:21-19:1  This is a good blog post about forgiveness. The concept of forgiveness is a hard one.  I think God will have to judge us whether we forgave or not.  Some people have a personality that finds it easy to forgive.  They're just easy-going people.  Others are the opposite.  They're just prickly.

So it's not fair.  Everyone's temperament and personality are different.  That's why God will have to be our judge.  

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Grace & Karma

 Interesting insight from Bono.  I was reading the difference between "Grace and Karma," which is an interview by Bono.  He sees Karma is Lex Talonis.  You get what you deserve.  But God's grace is undeserving.  He gives when you don't deserve it.

Thanks be to God.  

Thursday, August 19, 2021

2021-2022 Reading List.

                                                   Argonauta has chosen its books for 2021-2022

Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Hurston

Caste by Isabel Wilkerson

The President’s Daughter is Missing by
William Clinton and James Patterson

Count the Ways by Joyce Maynard

The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah

American Dirt by Jeanine Cummins

Magnolias Don’t Bloom in September by Carol Lynn Luck

The Forest of the Vanishing Stars by Kristin Harmel

The Guest List by Lucy Foley

The Henna Artist by Alka Joshi

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

I Was Wrong

Yesterday, I did a lot of work harvesting plants from my garden.  I gathered them in bunches, tied pretty ribbons on them, and composed a little poem, which I attached to each little bouquet.  

All for naught.

I found out that what I thought was garlic, was not.  It is oregano.  How embarrassing!

My new poem:

Too hot and humid
I let my oregano grow. 
Now a riotous blanket
of flowers over show!

Use these buds in a vase
or season a dish with flowers
because oregano adds more taste
causing everyone to devour.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

The Lazy Gardener


Too hot and humid
I let my garlic grow. 
Now a riotous blanket
of flowers over show!

Use these buds in a vase
or season a dish with flowers
because garlic adds more taste
overpow'ring vampires' powers.

Silly I know.  But Argonauta is tomorrow and I have so much garlic!  The garlic has turned to flower and I hate to waste it.  So when the book club meets tomorrow, I plan to give each member a small bouquet of the flowers and this little ditty.  Fun!

Land And Faith



 You can't be, says a Palestinian Christian
on the first feast day after Ramadan.
So, half-and-half and half-and-half.
He sells glass.
He knows about broken bits, chips.
If you love Jesus you can't love anyone else.
Says he.
At his stall of blue pitchers on the Via Dolorosa, he's sweeping.
The rubbed stones feel holy.
Dusting of powdered sugar across faces of date-stuffed mamool.
This morning we lit the slim white candles which bend over at the waist by noon.
For once the priests weren't fighting in the church for the best spots to stand.
As a boy, my father listened to them fight.
This is partly why he prays in no language but his own.
Why I press my lips to every exception.
A woman opens a window—here and here and here— placing a vase of blue flowers on an orange cloth.
I follow her.
She is making a soup from what she had left in the bowl, the shriveled garlic and bent bean.
She is leaving nothing out.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

The Island in the Valley of the Shadow of Death

 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil, for You are with me...  Psalm 23: 4

God will be with the people of Haiti; I hope they know it and take comfort in it.  They haven't recovered from the earthquake in 2010 and now this one is worse!  Their president, Jovenel Moise, was recently assassinated.    The Haitian government hasn't started vaccinating the people.  They are one of the poorest nations in the world.  And now, a tropical storm is threatening the island.

Our Lady of Prompt Succor help the people of Haiti.  On this day of your Assumption into heaven celebrate by delivering the little island of Haiti into the safety and comfort of Our Father in heaven.  Cast out all the evil in Haiti and have mercy on the people.  Intercede for the Haitians and may they accept God's graces and be faithful to Him. We ask this through the merits of Jesus Christ, Our Savior, Our Redeemer, and Lord. Amen.   

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Indirect Discourse

 Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston is my first time reading "indirect discourse." This novel has a narrator explain the character's thoughts and feelings within the story, rather than expressing them directly.

"Ah'd ruther be dead than for Jody tuh think Ah'd hurt him," she sobbed to Phoeby. "It ain't always been too pleasant, 'cause you know how Joe worships de works of his own hand, but God in heben knows Ah wouldn't do one thing tuh hurt nobody. It's too underhand and mean."

Janie is the major character, living in the South, around the early 20th century. She married her first husband for protection, like her grandma advised. But it was a loveless marriage. Janie's second husband married her for a trophy and as a helpmate. The problem was that Janie hated the work her husband had her do--run the store. That marriage also became loveless. In Janie's third marriage, she found the love she always dreamed having.

A hurricane changed everything. Janie ends by going back to the home her second husband built for her, which is how the novel began--she is the topic of gossip.

Although the characters are black, I don't consider Janie's story any different than any race in that place and time. The poor in the South worked hard and women, especially so. A poor woman would have looked for protection in marriage, like Janie's first husband. Working hard like Janie did in the store and even after is the plight of the majority of people. Janie's story is real and told in a masterful manner.

Signs You're A Book Addict

 If you have the following traits or do the following, you are a soul-mate book lover.

1.  Have stacks of books, here and there, everywhere, just in case you have a moment of free time:

  • books you want to read
  • books you love and want to read again
  • a book in your purse
  • a book on your phone, and iPad, and computer
  • definitely, in the bathroom, which (behind your back) the family nicknamed the library.
  • you like bookmarks but more often than not, you use any ole thing.
  • your library card is sacred
2.  You read more than one book at a time.
3.  You have a favorite author--then a new favorite author--and then another--etc.
4.  You belong to a book club, or two, or more, and wish you could have time for more.
5.  You love being retired because you have more time to read.
6.  You didn't mind being quarantined due to COVID-19, one bit.
7.  The book is always better than the movie.
8.   You fantasize yourself in the story.
9.   You consider the destruction of the Library of Alexandria catastrophic.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Faith and Fido

I've decided to write a series of short stories like I once wrote Prayer Group Tales (use the search engine).  Here's the first one.


It was Faith’s 65th birthday and she decided she wanted to give herself a present--a pet.  Although Faith loved all animals, she knew she didn’t want a dog because she didn’t want to have to walk it.  And all the fish she ever had died; besides the aquarium eventually smelled like low tide, and she didn’t want to have to clean that smelly scum. 

There are always birds, e.g., parakeets, cockatoos, parrots, etc.  

Again, there would be cages to be cleaned.

It is clear that the answer was a cat—a cat, not a kitten.  She didn’t want her pet to outlive her.  Who knows what would become of it?  And it would be an indoor/outdoor cat.  She didn't want to bother with kitty litter.  Cats clean themselves, so she didn’t have to do that.  Yes, she decided.


The next day, Faith went to the animal shelter to pick out her cat.  What a heart-wrenching decision!  She wanted them all.  She felt like rescuing the most desperate, the sickest, the feeblest, and the ones no one else would take.  The cutest and friendliest would find homes soon enough, but who would ever adopt the undesirables?  Faith didn’t know what to decide.

The shelter lady knew Faith’s dilemma and asked her some probing questions:

*      Did she want short hair or long hair?   Didn’t matter.

*      How old a cat?  Old

*      Will children be in the home?    Yes

*      Can I care for my pet?    Yes

While the lady was asking Faith her questions, the cats were eyeing Faith, ignoring Faith, making figure eights in and around Faith’s legs, or meowing for attention.  There was one tabby that looked old because although he was grey and black striped on his back and sides, he had a lot of grey and white that made him look old.

“How old is this cat?”  Faith asked because he was playing with her shoelaces like a kitten, yet had the coloring of an elder.

*      She’s around 10 years old and has arthritis; she's on medicine, do you think you can care for her and bring her to the vet regularly?  Ha!  Maybe we can take the same meds Faith thought.  "How long is her expected life span?"

*      She may live another 5-8 years, if she stays an indoor cat.

Faith didn’t want an indoor cat.
She didn’t want a sick cat. 
She didn’t want a pet that played with her shoelaces and looked so appealing and purred so loud and meowed so pitifully.

But Faith impulsively picked the kitty up and she instantly settled in Faith’s arms and melted into her body like a sleeping baby.

Faith was hooked.

After paying the adoption fee, which actually was free because of the cat’s age, but the vet’s bill, her medicine, the cost of her spaying, her flea and tick bath, her kitty litter, some toys, food, and a carrier, Faith’s purse was $ 300 lighter.  But Faith didn’t seem to mind. 

Upon leaving, Faith turned and asked, “What’s her name?”

*      Fido  You’re kidding.

*      No.  A cat named Fido.



Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Prayer for Facebook

 The social media platform, Facebook, has initiated a prayer request feature and some people are suspicious.  Facebook does tract people and a concern would be for this platform to keep more tabs on Facebook users.  But I know that God turns bad into good and I trust Him, not Facebook.  


So my first prayer will be that this Facebook feature will be a force for good and be used to put the world in the correct order that God always intended.

St. Dominic, you who preached the Good News, and whom I believe would be using social media to spread the Good News, were he be alive today, please protect and turn all these Facebook requests into forces for good.  May they be answered according to Your Will and may the people who requested prayers be comforted.  I ask this through the intercession of St. Dominic to Christ, Our Savior and Lord.  Amen.

Monday, August 9, 2021

Washing Your Rosary

My rosary under my pillow is a corded rosary.  Corded rosaries are indestructible.   

In the morning when I make my bed, I could find it anywhere (literally)!  Once it was on the floor on my husband's side of the bed.

Today, I changed the sheets and forgot about my rosary.  It was thrown in the wash with the sheets.  It came out better than ever--nice and clean.

Now here's a meditation for you.  Every once in a while, I posit that our prayer life needs to be washed like a rosary.  Rosaries are prayed with our dirty fingers.  I usually don't wash my hands before I pick up my rosary.  We probably should.  
Not only our rosaries but other devotions should be cleaned up, too.  My lectio divina practice was getting to be perfunctory.  It was reading, meditating, praying/lectio, meditatio, contemplatio. I wanted to spruce it up, so I added another book to my scripture reading.  It was a commentary, but if the commentary led to questions, I'd google the question.  Thus my lectio divina added another step--studium.

Presently, I feel called to do even more--something.  Yes, that's exactly it. My lectio that led to more commentary, that led to meditation, and then prayer, now urged me to do something.  Something to physically demonstrate my understanding of the lectio.  Help in some way.  Pray more.  Increase my prayer life.  Something!

Funny how washing a rosary will improve your prayer life.

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Appalachian 'working retreat' goes local this year

Appalachian 'working retreat' goes local this year: BILLERICA -- The group that stayed at St. Thecla Retreat House from July 27 through Aug. 1 were not from a single parish, they were from all over.  They worked in sprucing up the retreat house.

Why can't parishes do this?  Announce a working retreat to spruce up a parish.  Begin the day with Mass.  After Mass distribute assignments.  Lunch break and a spiritual Talk.  Everyone work to the end of the day.  Every day would work and pray, spiritual music, devotional breaks, etc.  

When I'm the queen of the world, I'll do it.

Friday, August 6, 2021

News From the Inside


2 August 2021
Dear Friends of Bethany,

As the Feast day of our beloved St. Dominic approaches, I am mindful of the many challenges our Bethanian community both near and across the sea continues to wrestle with.  I draw much comfort from the memories we’ve created and hold dear, and I draw strength daily knowing that from its inception our Bethanian community is a community of prayer warriors.  There is much for us to do these days: to heal, rebuild, regenerate, grieve and listen…I am mindful of the old WWII story that tells of parishioner’s returning to their bombed out church to find the church crucifix laying amidst the rubble with no hands and no feet.  Someone there responded that “You are His feet, and His hands now.  And so in our journey as we emerge from the rubble, we rise from the ashes, carrying that “word of hope…” It is with this “hope” in my heart that I wish you a blessed Feast Day and know I continue to pray for you and your mission, wherever that may take you.

It is my hope that before long some of you shall return to the field of MCI Norfolk, where each day presents new challenges.  We are opening slowly, but progress is being made.  As I write this, “Howard” a 15 month old yellow lab (all 80 pounds of him) is snoring at my feet from a good morning’s service dog training work. 
I am working towards getting the dogs up to the ADL (prison hospital) for visits in the near future.  I spoke with our brother James (President of Our Lady of Mercy Dominican Chapter) yesterday and he says it is like “death valley” up there, where there simply is very little for the men to do but lay around.  His situation is not good, but recently has been to outside hospitals for diagnosis.  His spirit is typically James…Cheerful, smiling outwardly while he must be coping with so much inner wrangling.  Wheelchair bound and hands (3 fingers on each) are now curled up and leg muscles atrophied yet still the Light shines bright in his eyes and his heart.

All things considered after a few violent weeks, things are quite calm here.  I feel God is stilling the water as I roam the yards and walk amidst the crowds, Howard happily greeting and licking one face after another….a reminder of love in a very dark place…There are so many reminders if we keep our eyes open…our hearts wide and welcoming…Truly God is great…no matter what!
With love, prayers, and joy at each thought of you…wishing you all peace.

Your Dominican brother,

Phil  (and Howard too)

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Mind and Body

A friend from TOPS follows this program, which when I joined I agreed not to share.  During the exercise chatter, the instructor stressed the "mind and body" connection.  Guess who I thought of.  

St. Dominic.

St. Dominic has nine ways of prayer because he also saw the mind and body connection. 

(1)  Kneeling.  Think of praying to your God.  The only way to approach your Creator is on your knees.

(2)  Prostrate on the ground.  You humble yourself as low as you can by stretching out on the floor.

(3)  Offer Penances.  In Dominic's day, some people whipped themselves in imitation of Jesus being scourged at the pillar.  Nowadays the very idea is abhorrent.  I offer a penance instead.

(4)  Eucharistic Adoration.

(5)  Orans position.

(6)  Praying hands stretched up as high as you can.

(7) Lectio Divina.

(8)  Walking while meditating, singing, and praying.

(9)  Bowing, kneeling, genuflecting.

See the connection between the body expressing reverence to God.  The mind uses the body to express worship.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

A Sure Bet

 Pascal's Wager always made sense to me.  I could never understand why once it was explained to them why anyone would choose to not believe in God.  Where or when I learned of Pascal Wager, I don't remember, but I am infinitely thankful that I know it.  It has always "had my back," so to speak.

Pascal's wager is found in his book, Pensees.  It was written in defense of Christianity.  What I didn't know was that Pascal suggested that once one can see the reasonableness of believing in God, then one should practice religion.  

The wager explains that it is more reasonable to believe than to not believe.  If you die and there's nothing, so what.  Who knows that you were wrong?  But if you die and there's a God, you had better be a believer.

Monday, August 2, 2021

Bread from Heaven

Jn 6:41-51

The Jews murmured about Jesus because he said,
“I am the bread that came down from heaven, ”
and they said,
“Is this not Jesus, the son of Joseph? 
Do we not know his father and mother? 
Then how can he say,
‘I have come down from heaven’?” 
Jesus answered and said to them,
“Stop murmuring among yourselves. 
No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draw him,
and I will raise him on the last day. 
It is written in the prophets:
They shall all be taught by God.
Everyone who listens to my Father and learns from him comes to me. 
Not that anyone has seen the Father
except the one who is from God;
he has seen the Father. 
Amen, amen, I say to you,
whoever believes has eternal life. 
I am the bread of life. 
Your ancestors ate the manna in the desert, but they died;
this is the bread that comes down from heaven
so that one may eat it and not die. 
I am the living bread that came down from heaven;
whoever eats this bread will live forever;
and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.”


The Jews are complaining because they don't know what Jesus
is talking about.  He's not bread.  He's not manna that came down
from heaven.  Jesus is prophesying that He is the Eucharist.  It is
a hard saying.


Funny that the Jews focus on Jesus saying that He came down from
heaven.  Don't all babies come down from heaven?  Nothing happens 
without the Will of the Father.


Lord Jesus, You are the living bread given to us, a hungry people.  Help
us all to see You as You are in the Eucharist.


Thank you for the gift of Yourself, Jesus. Thank you for the gift of Faith


I will continue to pray for more Faith

Granddaughter's Effort

 My writer's group, Franklin Senior Scribblers, is on the radio .  So, when I learned that my granddaughter only had a half-day of schoo...