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Thursday, July 1, 2021

The Revelations Not Supernatural

In CNA today there was an article that interested me, "Vatican suppresses Catholic  Movement..".  What interested me was that the Vatican acknowledged good fruits from the movement, yet they still suppressed it.  The Vatican said that the original revelations were not divine.  

The letter from the Holy See said: “There are no elements such as to attribute a supernatural origin to the alleged phenomena from which the Movement arose, and that, on the contrary, it is possible to arrive at the moral certainty that these are personal experiences of the foundress that cannot be traced back to a supernatural action.”

Doesn't it make you wonder about Medjugorje?  So the good done by the movement isn't taken into consideration, but rather its origin.  I guess it was just a private revelation.  

May God bless Maria Marino, who had the revelations.  This was not a self-promoting gimmick. I  can't find any photos of her.  I assume the group shot above has her in the middle, but I don't know.

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