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Sunday, April 4, 2021

# 1

Father Aniello Salicone, sx, often told the story about the time he almost drove off the road when he was surprised by an inner voice.  The voice told him that he was # 1.  God was telling Father Aniello that he was God's # 1.  
This story came to mind during the Easter Sunday homily, I heard today.  The homilist explained that in Hebrew there is no first.  There is a second, third, etc., but no first.  If one wanted to say that they were the first born son, they would have to say, I am the number one son and my brother is second, etc.  

I like it.  I mean that God told Father Aniello that he was number one.
Father Aniello is still my # 1 priest.

Come anchio ti amo fino amorire.

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