If Rodney Dangerfield
was a Franklinite
You think it’s easy being me? It’s not. Let me tell you. I won tickets to the movies. The theatre was called the Zeotrope. It’s been gone for over 10 years.
I can’t get no respect.
When I was a child I learned how to swim at Beaver
Pond. The trouble was that my parents
dropped me off at the dump across the street from the pond. No respect I tell you.
I got a library card at the nation’s first library, the town
library. I was seven years old and could
barely read. So I didn’t know I was locked
in the elevator instead of the children’s room.
I tell you, I’ve lived a hard life – no respect!
My teachers taught me all about Ben Franklin and how the
town was named after him and he gave the town some books for our library. But he died in Philadelphia, so my teachers
gave me a one way ticket to Philadelphia.
I have never been given any respect.
When I graduated from Franklin High School I was given a
blank diploma. When I complained I was
given a diploma with the wrong name. I
complained again and the principal crossed out the name and wrote mine. What’s even worse is that he misspelled
Dangerfield. He wrote Danger
FAILED. I didn’t dare complain
I brought the family to have a picnic on the Town
Common. We were playing hide and seek. I looked for an hour and couldn’t find them. I
had to walk all the way home…in the rain.
I joined TOPS at the Franklin Senior Center. That’s a club, Take off Pounds Sensibly. I didn’t lose any weight but I found out how
to look like I did, just hang out with fat people.
I went over to the Mormon Temple on Jordon Road because I
heard that they were good on genealogy.
I wanted to look up my family tree.
I found it, and found three dogs had used it. No wonder I get no respect. The apple doesn’t fall far from the
These jokes were fun to write, but I know I didn’t do the justice
that Rodney Dangerfield deserves. He was
a comic genius. If you didn’t laugh at his
jokes and the way he put them over, you ain’t human. His shtick was putting himself down. His catch phrase, “I can’t get no respect,” is
famous. When he died in 2004 and reached
the pearly gates, St. Peter said to him, “I heard you got no respect in life;” which
prompted Rodney to quip some famous no respect one liners.” St. Peter smiled, laughed and then waved
Rodney in. “Finally,” Rodney Dangerfield said, “a little respect.”